Meet the Pastor and the Grace Church Team
Our leadership team is passionate about serving God, Grace Church, and the community of Warren! We strive to follow God in all things, and we desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip believers for the work of ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.

Rev. Barry and Sharon French
We are blessed to have Pastor Barry and Sharon French as our ministering family. Pastor Barry has been in our area for many years and was a minister at Niles UMC, both before and after retirement. Barry has been active in the past serving on The Board of Ordained Ministry for Districts a total of 11 years and Conference a total of 9 years. He was also involved teaching District Lay Ministries, Bible Bowl, and several Mission Trips to Henderson Settlement and Children’s Home in Frakes, Kentucky. He and his wife Sharon were active as counselors and camp nurse in CYF Senior High Youth Camp at Lakeside, OH for several years.
Sharon is a retired nurse of 42 years. She worked as an Endoscopy Nurse for 13 years, as well as physician offices and hospitals in OB and Oncology. She has volunteered for Akron Children’s for a total of 9 years: 5 years at Akron Children’s Main Campus and 4 years at The Boardman Beeghly Campus. She enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, gardening, and feeding hummingbirds and is an accomplished fisherwoman.
Barry and Sharon have 2 adult children and 5 grandchildren.
Church Staff
Garey Watson, Director of Worship Ministries & Choir Director
Donna Bock, Organist
Kay Gray, Pianist
Joy Angelo, Technology
Tabitha Hackett, Office Manager
Jason Lynn, Custodian
Lead Volunteer Staff
Pete Kringeta, Leadership Council
Mary Fulton, Staff-Parish Relations
Cindy Stevenson, Finance
Mary Fuller, Missions Director
Patty Lynn, Lay Leader
Lana Wakefield, Trustees
Joan Brantingham, Church Historian