Small Groups for Adults at Grace Church

Sunday School Class
Life can get complicated once you cross that nebulous threshold into adulthood. That’s why having a group of people to do life with is important. The adult Sunday School at Grace Church meets before service on Sundays in the Fellowship Hall and is welcoming for people in all walks of life. We meet to discuss the Bible, the sermons, and complete service projects together. If you’re looking for a place to make friends, meet with us before worship!
Between Sunday School and morning service, we provide coffee and treats for fellowship time. Join us in the Fellowship Hall between 10:30 and 10:50am.

Grace Choir and Praise
Music is an expression of the soul, so we want it to be a joyful noise. Grace Church offers many ways to do that. Children can participate in holiday programs that entertain big crowds, and adults can be involved in the choir and its holiday programs. We also have special music performed every Sunday. If you’re a musician or a singer, come join us!